"Giving Things Up Competition"... aka Lent.

In the spirit of Lent and having to "give things up" I'd like to share the following video my manager showed me. If you have the extra 20 minutes, it's pretty funny. Anyway, it's the season of Lent and many people have joined in on the "Giving things up competition." Do people really strive to make true sacrifices for the 40 days? Or, do people only tend to give up things they find easy to live without. How many people will try giving up cigarettes? What I really want to talk about is cigarettes, anyway.... Cigarettes are a true addiction. I am surrounded by smokers and non-smokers, and I really had to delve into this subject when I felt that I, myself, had become a smoker. It began in college when my roommates and I started smoking "rollies," American Spirit rolling tobacco. It was one of those social things, where we would get together, roll a smoke, and share it amongst the girls.... ahh, the frills of a young, coll...